
Work language: Romanian, language for report:  English

Motto:  Mathematics is not just numbers, rules and logic; it is stories and people too. It is structure and it is art and it is music.

 Purpose   – to develop the children’s esprit of observation  for mathematics via promoting the national values and the love to the homeland.

Project objectives

  • To augment children’s motivation for learning mathematics
  • To use the acquired knowledge at the mathematics lessons for the realization of the personal research
  • To study the on-line applications through the demonstration of the results
  • To promote students’ curiosity and motivation to know the environment
  • To apply mathematics in the daily routine
  • To approach some aspects and mathematical terms for everybody’s acceptance
  • To create a favorable environment for the study of the mathematics in the daily routine in a Moldavian village
  • To challenge the children for observing that mathematics surrounds us and is everywhere.

The project is based on:

  • 6th grade children’s collaboration with the collegues, teachers, villagers and international partners.
  • The increase of the motivation and children’s interest for the mathemtics field through the discovery.
  • the stimulation of the esprit of observation and investigation
  • the promotion of the teamwork
  • mutual collaboration and understanding
  • students’ curiosity to present their concepts


Project activities promote the search of the unusual mathematical things and the practicability of the mathematics which can be recognized in our daily environment.

For the project development we use the tools web 2.0:

1 Blog For the description of the project activities
2 padlet For presenting the children’s works
3 PowerPoint An application used for the project activities


4 WordCloud Tools for creating  logotypes
5 GeoGebra Application for creating geometrical constructions


6 Quizziz Application for the interactive evaluation
7 MovieMaker For creating movies

Approached topics:

  • The everyday importance of mathematics.
  • Transdisciplinary mathematics
  • The identification of the geometrical elements in nature
  • ICT use

The children will study mathematics coming from the area they are living – rural area. The house, school, flowers from the garden, agricultural tools and others will make them compare, analyze, study with pleasure and creatively describe.
The lesson is not registered in the school schedule, children are coming optionally. The main benefits   are the participation and the implication     of the children in the project which will lead to the increase of the motivation  of studying the mathematics from their surroundings.

Teacher’s benefits: the approach of mathematics from the holistic and interdisciplinary  point of view, observing the subject differently, not only like a teacher of mathematics.

The development of the project activities and children and teachers’ opinions will be shot in a short movie dedicated to the project and available on Youtube.

Expected results: the main benefit of this project is that children will start to perceive learning, especially mathematics, as a complex activity and at the same time enjoyable, realized via a project.

Final product – a film for the project StarT

Teacher’s benefits: the approach of mathematics from the holistic and interdisciplinary  point of view, observing the subject differently, not only like a teacher of mathematics.

The development of the project activities and children and teachers’ opinions will be shot in a short movie dedicated to the project and available on Youtube.

Expected results: the main benefit of this project is that children will start to perceive learning, especially mathematics, as a complex activity and at the same time enjoyable, realized via a project.

Final product – a film for the project StarT
